Thursday, June 03, 2010

Former Los Gatos HS Football Coach Dies After 30 Year Battle with ALS

by Jeff Fisher
California High School Football Huddle

I have to admitted, there are days that I'm just so angry at the way things are going, that I just want to go hide and not return for several days!

Then I come across a story like the one of former Los Gatos head football coach Charlie Wedemeyer, who passed away Thursday after a 30-year battle with Lou Gehrig's Disease.

I guess I really don't have to say much more than enjoy the well written article by Mark Purdy of the Mercury News, who tells the story of a man, who certainly should make all of us realize how lucky we are ...and there should never be days to go and hide.

If you'd like to learn more about Charlie and his wife Lucy's story, go to Charlie Wedemeyer Family Outreach at

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